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[linux-dvb] Re: vpeirq() optimization and cleanup

Lauri Pesonen writes:
Just to clarify this *irq() stuff:
* It's related to the nova cards right?
* Is it related to tv reception or IP stuff?
* Will I benefit from this new and improved irq handling in my VDR setup
  where I have a nove DVB-C card?
* Will the new improved irq handling be added to the driver CVS in addition to the kernel CVS?
I get randomly really lousy recordings on my Nova card and I haven't been
able to figure out why (some recordings are great, most of them have
artefacts in them, and some are useless). Signal quality seems to be great
new vpeirq() should have no such artefacts even if you
download from 3 cards simultaneously on the same machine
so I can't really blame that. So I was wondering whether things would
improve after applying this new irq stuff to the driver.
Sometimes, cca once every hour or so sync can be lost
for several frames therefrom can come uselles downloads.
I plan to investigate exact point of that and use smart syncing to reduce packet loss even further.

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