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[linux-dvb] Re: DVB API registration info, please

> Great to hear that somnebody is working on this card. Could you please
> post your codelets so that other people can contribute to your development?

Yes, I plan to do that (seems only fair, the code looks like the Frankenstein 
offspring of Florian's dummy adapter code and your ttusb code with my reverse 
engineered stuff thrown in ;).

However, I'd like to get it to a point where it will stream, and, perhaps more 
importantly, has some mutexs.  I wouldn't like to rmmod it at the wrong time, 
right now ;)

I reckon that it should reach that point sometime in the next week.

While we're on the subject, I have a few questions, as I'm new to this:

1)  Seeing as portions of code are just cut & paste from Florian's and your 
code should I put a copyright for you guys or a credit somewhere, and if so, 
where should it go?

2) The code is currently ~20k (without bootcode).  Is that too big to post to 
the list without getting flamed? :)
I have a website I can host it on if so.

3)  There is an ARM bootcode header made from a Hauppauge binary.  I'm 
guessing that Hauppauge would rather I didn't publish it everywhere.  I 
should just give instructions of how to make it with fdump, right?

4) Is there anything else I need to know?


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