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[linux-dvb] Re: Getting started

On Sun, Apr 06, 2003 at 07:53:52 +0300, Jaakko Hyvätti wrote:

>   I have not used much czap, I have done testing with dvbtune, and then
> went to VDR . Is your plan to run
> VDR also?  Just test it straight away, might work out of the box.  Or you
> can use the perl script below to convert from vdr to czap channels.conf:

Tried the latter, was able to get a reasonable tune on TV1 and TV2,
seems it doesn't lock very well on other channels.

I'll try to see if your patches make a difference to the tuning.

As I said before, it's a bit hard figuring out what one needs to do,
since there are so many packages and the documentation seems to be a
bit out of date...

May I ask, is there some significant reason why there isn't a "spec"
file for these in the tar.gz, so they could also be used neatly to build
rpm packages for the package-based distros, like RedHat and SuSe?
Nobody just had the time to do it?
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