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[linux-dvb] Re: Audio sync

Antti O Lammi wrote:
>> Does anybody else have problem with audio sync, it is quite bad (nearly
>> ridiculous) on Nexus DVB-T, not so bad on Nexus DVB-S.
>> Yesterday I tested the version on CVS, no better than before.
>> The driver I'm using now is linux-dvb.2002-12-08.tar.bz2 pack from
>> vdr-project, no problem there.
> I have had the same problems since the LinkLayer CAM change for VDR (the
> firmware changed). I can't use the new drivers/VDR at all because of this.
> Still using VDR 1.1.19. ;-(

Try the current CVS. On April 4th Oliver Endriss put a fix into CVS that
fixes the problem at least for live TV. Playbacks may still get out of
sync, though, but if you pause/unpause the recording, the sound is in
sync again.


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