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[linux-dvb] Re: [vdr] Re: EPG scan cause high load and AC3 drop outs - maybe not solved yet ?

Hallo Again,

> >> >> IMHO the ml should notice that (therefore a
> >cross
> >> >> posting is needed IMHO:). For readers of the
> >> >> drop outs are happen during live view of Pro7 which means
> that the TS
> >> >> stream has longer timeouts beginning with some bit failures
> which are
> >> >> found by a CRC check of a VDR plugin forwarding the AC3 data stream
> >> >> to the S/P-DIF of a sound card.
> I noticed a post on the linux-dvb that the firmware was changed on the
> 31.03.03 and on Wedensday i tried the CVS from 02.04.03.
> This Driver is MUCH BETTER !!! I don't know what you have changed - but it
> is sure in the right direction :) It has probably happend between 26.03.03
> and 02.04.03 as the driver from 26.03 still had problems.
> What I have noticed though is that when switching channel there sometimes
> are grafical errors ("klotchengrafik") in the picture for a second. But
> that
> is much better than dropping audio ;)

Now I have been using DVB 04.04.2003 for a couple of days (sind 5.4) and
have not seen any grafical errors anymore, very nice :)
btw. I am/have been using "vidmode=2 hw_sections=0" since driver 26.03.03

Audio/Video out of sync is gone here. Also pause/play on replay of AC3
recordings is very good - previous I sometimes had A/V out of sync. Good
work Oliver :)

Pro7 is quite stable - but ...

I have noticed a couple of times that the sound is "bibbering" (not sure if
this is the right description - german = "bebende stimmen"). It is in the
high tones - as if there are lots of small droptouts and bitstreamout would
repeat previous frames. But in the log there is nothing like "CRC error -
repeating last frame" or anything else.

On sonday I was recording "The Patriot" on Pro7 and another movie on the
second card. When watching the live picture on pro7 there was lots of CRC
dropouts - IIRC 137 CRC errors in 4-5 seconds. It did not matter if I
switched forth and back - still there.
I have a second pro7 line in channels.conf without AC3 APID. That had no
problems - audio was fine !?

Btw. am I the only one using bitstreamout and having problems ?


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