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[linux-dvb] Re: RFC: patch for support of volume control on DVB-C+analogue-module

On Wed, Apr 23, 2003 at 09:24:00PM +0200, Andreas Kool wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 April 2003 21:05, Andreas Oberritter wrote:
> > On Wed, 2003-04-23 at 20:47, Andreas Kool wrote:
> > > I am using the AC3overDVB patch with VDR (means: i use the "Digital-Out"
> > > of the DVB-C card). I am still not able to control the volume of this
> > > output :-(
> > >
> > > Does anybody out there know, how to control the volume of the
> > > "Digital-Out"? Or is this totally impossible?
> >
> > You cannot control ac3 volume without having an ac3 decoder on board
> > (assuming that your card does not have one). Maybe you can control pcm
> > audio when using the digital out, but I don't know that audio chip.
> The AC3overDVB-Patch does generate pcm (with encapsulated ac3).
> So it *is* maybe possible! Fine!

No, you have to get the AC3 data out of the surrounding PCM stream
used for tranport (beside a few magic samples all is zero). Any
change of the AC3 data frame embedded in the 1536 sample PCM frame
(6144 Bytes) would break the AC3 data frame.
Nevertheless your A/V receiver should be able to control the
volume _after_ the builtin decoder.


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