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[linux-dvb] Re: Adapt scan output format to match vdr channels.conf

> Another aspect of the patch adds support for multiple audio pids which 
> vdr accepts in a comma separated list.

I had a problem like this, where 'scan' would find the wrong audio channel 
and I would just hear silence. Here is an email I sent (strangely I also 
opted for a comma-separated list); I ensured the first audio PID was the 
one I wanted:

The multilinguality problem is the source of my troubles. However, I have
found a way of making 'scan' do the right thing for me. I emphasise "for
me". It turns out that the audio channel I want is always the first one
that is encountered when scanning. In scan.c there is this code:

                case 0x03:
                case 0x04:
                        s->audio_pid = elementary_pid;

This effectively loses any previous audio PIDs already found for a given
channel. But since the structure is zeroed on creation, I can do this:

                if (s->audio_pid != 0) s->audio_pid = elementary_pid;

Of course, this isn't a very good way of solving the problem.

I've actually changed my copy of 'scan' to make a linked list of audio
channels, and output them all in channels.conf. So I get a line like this:


Of course, anything that is already written to understand the previous 
format of channels.conf will not like this change.

I wonder if there is a way of automatically determining the correct 

I doubt it will be the case, but if anybody wants my linked-list changes 
to 'scan', I will happily provide them.

Many thanks to everybody who helped me on this. On to the next stage of my 


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