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[linux-dvb] Re: Linux on SAT receivers
Felix Domke wrote:
Stramaglia, Carlo wrote:
Dear Holger,
thanks for your info.
I find very interesting the statement "For all other boxes you can simply
build your own kernel".
Are you saying that Linux can boot on every STB by just recompiling the
basically, there are a few things to consider:
- The available memory.
This might the criterium where most boxes faill. Althought some
uclinux-variants run with 4MB of ram, it gets useful starting with 16MB.
For example, the dbox2 has 32MB RAM (+2MB for Framebuffer and demux)
For low-memory systems RT-alike operating systems like eCos are an
interesting alternative.
- The used CPU-core.
Unless you have years of time, you have to use a cpu-architecture where
linux is already ported for, for example MIPS, PowerPC or x86.
As the STI55xx-Series have a ST20-based CPU, you would even have to
implement support in the gnu-toolchain AND port the kernel to a
completely new architecture. This is REALLY HARD work, compared to
"just" porting to a specific cpu. For example, for the dbox2, where the
MPC823 (66MHz embedded PowerPC) is used, there was already support in
the kernel.
ack. (I had mostly the mainstream STB processors in my mind when I wrote
the previous main, so I forgot the ST20, sorry. But from the technical
point of view this is an interesting processor;)
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