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[linux-dvb] Re: Support for Nova-T with TDA10045?
Hi Martin,
Am Saturday, May 10, 2003, 11:16:03 AM schrieben Sie:
MS> Hi,
MS> I'm new to the list and I'm looking at getting my Hauppauge DVB card working.
MS> There was a post a few months ago and the conclusion was that the TDA10045 isn't
MS> supported yet.
MS> Does anyone have access to the necessary documentation for this chip? I'm
MS> guessing not or it would already have been included in the driver.
MS> Someone also mentioned disassembling the windows driver to get the microcode.
MS> I'm hardly an expert on windows device drivers but I'm willing to have a go if
MS> necessary. Does anyone have any ideas on the best approach to doing this?
MS> Thanks,
MS> Martin
I have the same problem with a Lorenzen DVB-T Budget I bought.
I send a mail to TechnoTrend some hours ago, maybe they could help
directly. Additional I will call "Philips Semiconductor Sales" in
Germany at monday or send them a fax.
Maybe someone here knows a technical contact person?
I didn't found any mail-address on the whole Philips site.
I always disassembled the windows driver but it wasn't really
useful for me. I am more a c/c++-freak than asm, so I am unable to
understand how the "millions" of indirect and massively nested
function-calls work I could see in the asm-source and what function
finally is call.
Maybe TechnoTrend used something like a "disassembler-blocker"...
I also don't think that the tool I used (PEDasm) was the best one for that
I also think that ripping the microcode from the windows driver itself
will definitely illegal. So we need the permission from Philips for
that part.
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