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[linux-dvb] Re: Which CRC-code is used in TS of DVB?
Am Die, 2003-05-27 um 02.06 schrieb Ralph Metzler:
> Gregor Lawatscheck writes:
> > At 23:26 26/05/2003, you wrote:
> > >The decoder does not get the TS.
> >
> > AFAIK there is no CRC in the TS but in the PES header? I haven't checked
> > this, so I could be wrong.
> No CRC in either.
What is that? Quote from Holger Waechtler:
-------------------- snip ------------------------------
As subject says, which CRC-code is used in TS of DVB?
I think I've read CRC32 somewhere - is that correct?
it's CRC32, the decoder model is described in ITU-T H.222.0, Annex A.
--------------------- snap ------------------------------
> > Nevertheless:
> > is
> > interesting, from Oct Nov 2002 where Holger speaks about CRC32 checking
> > being broken in the av7110 firmware. Is this still the case and would that
> It is not broken, just not implemented.
There have been mails on the List from Holger Waechtler that it has been
reenabled - this was in October 2002. There also where mails on the
kernel-ML about impementing a generic CRC32 class into DVB-kernel.
> >
> > Because as Holger writes:
> > >It's implemented. Set the DMX_CHECK_CRC flag in the
> > dmx_sct_filter_params >struct if you want only receive sections that passed
> > the CRC32 check.
> >
> > Now that sounds like it'll drop sections that didn't pass CRC32, doesn't
> > it? I'm not aware CRC32 corrects anything. I personally just fear CRC32
> Correct.
OK, what passes the CRC-check, then?
> > errors, for example in archives etc. To me it's a checksum: According to
> > CRC = "cyclic redundancy
> > check(sum)". What do you do when the checksum fails? "Invert[ing] the wrong
> > bits" is certainly beyond me.
The application's name is "CRC 32"!
I don't know the CRC32, and I'm currently looking for specs.
for description of cyclic redundancy CODE.
> Confused with FECs.
So the question: Is CRC32 in DVB-TS a cyclic redundancy checksum or
code? If checksum the DVB-developers would be idiots - especially as
data-packets are broadcasted by carussels where a client can't demand to
resend the packet - so it has to be valid.
The CRC32 is specified in Annex B of the MPEG-2 Systems ISO/IEC 13818-1
[1]. Can anyone check if it is checksum or code?
> > I actually thought the CRC32 was good exactly for the latter reason - error
> > detection - passing it to the decoder with the notice: "hey, by the way,
> > this data is broken, handle with care". I'd like to believe otherwise. It'd
> > be a great benefit to everyone if CRC32 from a budget card could be used to
> > correct bitstream errors. I thought FEC (forward error correction) was for
> > error correction of the bitstream - and surely that's done even for the
> > budget cards...
> Yup, it is part of the demodulator hardware.
With the full-featured cards only or also with low-budgets?
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