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[linux-dvb] Re: Problems with TechnoTrend dec2000-t USB

Alex Woods escribió::

I had the dec driver working with 2.5.68, so you should be able to build it for 2.5.69. You just need dvb-kernel module from cvs and remove the 'grep -v ttusb' bits from the makelinks script and run that. Then the config options should appear in the kernel build system. It should just work unless there have been changes to the usb stuff between 2.5.68 and 2.5.69.
If I remove that, the links are indeed created in the source, but the driver neither appears listed in "make {menu,x}config" nor gets compiled automatically.

Intuitively, I've done from /usr/src/linux-2.5.69 a "make drivers/media/dvb/ttusb-dec/ttusb_dec.o" and ttusb_dec.o will get compiled, though modprobe/insmod won't recognize its format as a kernel module (also renamed it to .ko).

If nothing speaks against it, I'll stick with the 2.4.20 for testing.


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