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[linux-dvb] libmpeg-0.4.0/dvb-mpegtools/dvb-mplex and large files

Rene Bartsch writes:
 > Hi,
 > I tried to cat two VDR-files (001.vdr 2 GB and 002.vdr 1,6 GB) into one
 > file and remux with dvb-mplex.
 > But dvb-mplex claimed about the file-size.
 > Is this a bug or isn't largefile implemented, yet?

This should be fixed in version 0.4.1

 > Rene
 > @Metzlers: Could you add version information to "dvb-mpegtools --help"?
 > 		And the syntax for dvb-split_mpg (Bit/Byte/KByte/MByte).

Ok, I will see that I get that updated. The size is in MByte.


| Dr. Marcus O.C. Metzler        |                                   |
|            |        |

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