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[linux-dvb] Re: DVB-T and zigzag scans question

On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, Robert Schlabbach wrote:

> From: "John Dalgliesh" <>
> > I'm not using standard tools, but I can tell you that in order to receive
> > Channel 9 in Sydney which is supposedly on 191.5MHz, I have to go up to
> > the next step size, e.g. 191.6MHz does it fine. The two (quantised)
> > frequencies on either side give me nothing. So going up double the
> > step size would have been a bad idea (if I understand how these tools are
> > supposed to work...)
> Half-british, one can tell ;) According to, that channel is
> at 191.625MHz. Seems like Australia frequencies fit better in a 62.5kHz
> raster. You could try modifying the frontend driver to have it use the
> 62.5kHz PLL step size instead of the 166.667kHz one which is used for the
> UK twisted frequencies. The "clean" center frequencies we use here in
> Germany fit perfectly into both rasters :)

All right, all right. I was getting my frequencies from the table that
came with the Windows TT drivers. Which also matches the centre
frequencies of the 'well-known' channel assignments. Like on the last page
of this document:

Although the same pdf does say that specific implementations of DVB-T can 
use +/- 125kHz either side of the centre frequency :)

I have no idea how I'd go about modifying the TDA10045H driver to use a 
different step size. As far as I can see, 167kHz is the resolution of the 
current calculation (1MHz/6) ... so I'd have to actually understand how 
those registers and the values written into them work... which I don't 8)


> Regards,
> --
> Robert Schlabbach
> e-mail:
> Berlin, Germany

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