As I understand it, there is an open source project to make a USB 2.0 DVB reciever. We have a need for a USB 2.0 to ASI converter (at 5-16 Mbps). I would like to build on the open source project. We have an ASI output circuit which accepts a 8-bit wide data, sync and clock and outputs DVB-ASI. The clock is at 27 Mhz. We also have clock circuits. I have to talk this over with my boss, but I think we would be willing to donate it to this project (I'm crossing my fingers). In return we hope to get a USB 2.0 to DVB-ASI that is cheap to make and well supported by Linux. I think it could be a good situation for our company because we do not want to develop the USB 2.0 circuits and drivers.
I'd like to get in touch with whoever is on this project. I don't know what the time frame on this is and it is still tenitave. Don't expect anything for at least several weeks.