Thanks, I have noticed it meanwhile.
However I have to say that my confusion started
from the fact that I did myself a "zigzag" scanning arround the desired
frequency (currently using 66KHz step), and this way I am able to lock on some
transponders that before were not locking at all.
Important thing to notice is that sometimes I find
the signal at 1MHz (!) away from reported frequency.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 2:38 PM
Subject: [linux-dvb] Re: How to disable
zigzag scan?
On Monday 14
July 2003 09:14, Aurelian Pop wrote: > Is zigzag scanning embedded in
the driver?? I didn't knew this... > I thought you should "manually" do
it in your application...
The driver starts a zigzag scan when the
frontend looses lock. (see 'dvb_frontend_recover' in
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