Log unifying:
Add more often prefix "DVB: " to log lines, like already seen sometimes
in current driver version.
Mho: good chance for commit to current version
Looks good, but there's a problem: I currently don't have time to
port changes to DVB forward to dvb-kernel, which means if you want
me to apply changes to DVB you (or someone else) will have to send
me similar patches for dvb-kernel.
Can do this, against which sources? linux-2.6.0-test$latest? Or is there a
extra cvs tree somewhere.Add pwm option to module:
(note: CLKCONF and CARCONF support are removed because they are no longer
Mho: not so big chance for commit to current version, Holger don't like
module option, but perhaps more users can convince him to accept it ;-)
I would apply this, because I think it's useful, and I don't know if the
EEPROM is writable at all (could be write-protected), and if it is
writable you could shoot yourself in the foot by writing crap to it.
Also there's no utility for writing the EPPROM.
But I need similar patch for dvb-kernel first.