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[linux-dvb] dvb0_0 device not found


I am trying to use a Hauppauge Nexus DVB-S device for high speed internet
access with Linux. The DVB driver could be installed without any problem and
runs perfectly with VDR.
My Problem: I'm not able to start the network interface for the DVB device,
the command  "ifconfig -a dvb0_0" ends with the error "dvb0_0: Fehler beim
Auslesen der Schnittstelleninformation: Gerät nicht gefunden" (Error while
reading interface information: device not found).
I'm using following configuration:
System: Suse Linux 8.0
Kernel: 2.4.18-4GB
DVB driver: linuxtv-dvb-1.0.0-pre2 

Could it be that there is a configuration problem in the linux system or in
the DVB driver?

I would be pleased with every hint. Thanks for it in advance.

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