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[linux-dvb] Re: Does patching the kernel work meanwhile?

Michael Hunold schrieb:
Hello Rene,

If you don't need bleeding edge technology, 2.6.0-test6 is fairly up-to-date with CVS.

But as usual: any help is appreciated. 8-)

A short how-to:
- unpack latest 2.6-testX kernel
- duplicate it to another directory
- apply the patch to one kernel
- diff both kernels
- see what's different:
- if it's in 2.6-testX and not in CVS: backport it if it's useful
- if it's in CVS and not in 2.6-testX: see if it's needed
- don't include any "#ifdef LINUX_VERSION" stuff
- [...]

Currently I'm more interested in a stable solution. So I'd prefer to patch a 2.4.2x-Kernel with DVB-driver until 2.6 is really stable.

Is that currently possible with a "patch -p0 < DVB-driverXYZ-patch" or a script which copies the files into kernel-tree and adds make/config-entries (ready2run-solution)?

My goal is to have one compile per kernel and no aditional compiles for each hardware/module I need ...


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