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[linux-dvb] Re: It works!

Carlo E. Prelz wrote:
	Subject: [linux-dvb] Re: It works!
	Date: sab, ott 04, 2003 at 09:58:34 +0400
Sorry for the delay!

Quoting Brad Campbell (

As far as I can tell, the ASIC is a cpu of some kind and you communicate with it over the i2c bus, so short of writing a routine to send bruteforce combinations of random data to the chip to see what happens (which based on what else I can glean of this card will probably lock it up) I'm pretty lost.

I read on a posting on this list by Norberto Prieto, dated 4

<cut> The asic is a 8051 compatible microcontroller. <cut>

You can try to feed it some 8051 code (there is now a C compiler that
can generate 8051 code: see
Better than random, in all cases.


Hmm, if it's an 8051 then it's not going to be accepting code on it's i2c port. I'm pretty familiar with 8051 asm and C and have a copy of sdcc, but I can see no way of actually getting new code into the chip. One would assume it has a mask rom.

As an aside, the large 0x102 byte packets that get sent to the card are generated by the software from the pst. In the cidst software, when you tune a transponder a ~/trecord/.pst file is created (usually about 500-600 bytes) when you tune a channel, this file is parsed and about 32 bytes of it are sent to the ASIC. I believe this to be something to do with the CAM interface but since I don't have a cam/card I wish to sacrifice in testing I'm not that interested in persuing that one further. The bytes change on a per channel basis but I can't easily determine how the are generated as the dissasembler segfaults before it gets to that part of the code :p)

I have sent a polite request to Twinhan to see if there is a command I can use to pass through data to the tuner, or at least set the RS reg. (haha)

I did get a reply to my previous E-mail tersely requesting I tell them *who* told me thier card was supported by linux, or *where* it said that.
I quickly pointed them at a couple of sites, but the best one was thier own product info page for the card.. (Twinhan unloads high caliber weapon into own foot).

I'm awaiting a reply to that one :p)


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