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[linux-dvb] Re: Getting IR-codes directly from DVB-S?

[ re-adding Vojtech + dvb list to cc: ]

> > > IMHO it's nearly impossible to define something like a 'linux
> > > standard' remote control.
> >
> > Neverless we should try this ...
> >
> Neverless it's useless. As every remote has different buttons you would have 
> to define some standard-remote with about 500 buttons to cover each possible 
> remote control (what about multi-purpose buttons like red, green, ..., khaki, 
> ...).

There are KEY_RED, KEY_GREEN, ... in 2.6.

Also for common stuff like the numeric keypad all drivers should use the
same key codes (right now I'm using KEY_KP<n>, other possible variants are
KEY_<n> or BTN_<n>).

Trying to find a standard for *all* keys is probably impossible.

> So I'd vote for a raw-device which passes by the IR-codes without any change. 

That can be done _additionally_.  I'd like to be able to have the IR
keys passed just like normal key strokes through the linux input layer.
As input events can have different types we can just send two events,
one EV_KEY with the translated key code and one EV_RAW (maybe name that
EV_IR?) with the raw, untranslated code.  Applications can pick what
they want then ...

> That way the user-space applikation can just assign "0000000000000042E4" to 
> "Play" internally.

I'd prefeare to configure the kernel driver once and then have all
applications just see KEY_PLAY.


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