Wolfgang Thiel wrote:
On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 10:43:41AM +0100, Niklas Peinecke wrote:
Definitely not, I didn't change the settings that are known to work with other "backends". Maybe some frontend expert could tell us if the below errors can be caused by picking a wrong punctuation rate? Is it worth checking the rates manually?Perhaps FEC is somehow disabled in the current code, so that the *un- corrected* stream is delivered?
Perhaps, but unlike with the Nova cards we have only bit errors, so it can't be a buggy dma or alike. Maybe the stv and the flexcop do not agree on how to talk to each other (different sampling rates?). I don't even know if the flexcop uses parallel or serial reading from the frontend (though parallel seem to "work"). :(Or is this a DMA issue?
Sorry, I don't know much about frontends :-(
Me either.
Thanks alot for all the testing, I couldn't do this myself since I don't have other cards than that d* skystar.
Here is another example, this time Astra, ARD transponder 11837h
(the PAT fits in one TS packet):
The lines *not* starting with 'kernel' are correct: I checked the
kernel: 47 00 00 19 00
^ PUSI bit is not set: wrong
kernel: 80 b0 1d 0c cd db 00 00 00 00 e0 18 ed ca e0 64
0000000: 00 b0 5d 04 4d db 00 00 00 00 e0 10 6d ca e0 64
kernel: ed cb e0 c8 ed c8 a1 2c ed c9 a1 98 6d ca e1 fc
0000010: 6d cb e0 c8 6d cc e1 2c 6d cd e1 90 6d ce e1 f4
kernel: ed cf e2 58 ed d0 a2 bc ed d1 a3 28 ed d2 e3 8c
0000020: 6d cf e2 58 6d d0 e2 bc 6d d1 e3 20 6d d2 e3 84
kernel: ed d8 ab b8 ed d9 ac 1c ed da ac 80 ed db ec ec
0000030: 6d d8 eb b8 6d d9 ec 1c 6d da ec 80 6d db ec e4
kernel: 6d dc ed 48 ed dd ad ac ed de ae 18 ed df ee 74
0000040: 6d dc ed 48 6d dd ed ac 6d de ee 10 6d df ee 74
kernel: ed e0 ee d8 ed e1 af 3c ed e2 e7 d0 63 33 03 81
0000050: 6d e0 ee d8 6d e1 ef 3c 6d e2 e7 d0 e3 37 43 81
kernel: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
kern message repeated 4 times
kernel: ff ff ff ff ff ff bf
^ definitively wrong!