Added on 20-11-2003 ==================== English --------------- Apply the patch named "add_BTV_to_scan.patch" to DVB/apps/scan.c Apply the patch named "add_dump-btv_to_makefile.patch" to DVB/apps/Makefile Copy the files dump-btv.c and dump-btv.h in DVB/apps/ Run in DVB/apps/ "make clean && make" and then run for example "./scan -t 1 -s 1 -o btv ./dvb-s/Astra-19.2E > CHANNEL.conf.BTV". This will produce a 100% ready CHANNEL.conf.btv ,with the header and the footer. ( ~ 390 channels from Astra) The next command will cut the special group-rows: "cat CHANNEL.conf.BTV | egrep 'CUT-THIS-ROW-FOR-LIRCRC' | cut --delimiter=_ --fields=3,4 > PUT_THIS_IN_lircrc_FOR_b12" Using editor (re)place in the right place in the file .lircrc for button "b12" the content of PUT_THIS_IN_lircrc_FOR_b12. Restart irxevent and irexec. ????????? --------------- ??????? ???? ??? "add_BTV_to_scan.patch" ??? DVB/apps/scan.c ??????? ???? ??? "add_dump-btv_to_makefile.patch" ??? DVB/apps/Makefile ??????? ????????? dump-btv.c ? dump-btv.h ? DVB/apps/ ? DVB/apps/ ??????? "make clean && make" ? ????????? ????????? ???? ????????: "./scan -t 1 -s 1 -o btv ./dvb-s/Astra-19.2E > CHANNEL.conf.BTV". ???? ?? ????????? 100% ????? CHANNEL.conf.btv ,? ???????? ? ???????????? ?????. ( ~ 390 ????? ?? ????? 19,2 °?) ???????? ??????? ?? ??????? ??????????? ?????? ?? ???????: "cat CHANNEL.conf.BTV | egrep 'CUT-THIS-ROW-FOR-LIRCRC' | cut --delimiter=_ --fields=3,4 > PUT_THIS_IN_lircrc_FOR_b12" ? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????/??????? ?? ?????????? ????? ??? ????? .lircrc ?? ????? "b12" ???????????? ?? ????? PUT_THIS_IN_lircrc_FOR_b12. ??????????? irxevent and irexec.
Description: dump-btv.c
Description: dump-btv.h