I am using the alps_tdlb7.c driver with my DVB-T card. It works
quite good now adays, but I still have intermittent reception
I looked at the sp887x.c driver. It uses a lot more sp887x
registers than the alps_tdlb7 driver, many which are undocumented
in the brief and sparse sp8870 documentation i have. It for example
sets up AGC values and frequency offsets, which the alps_tldb7
doesn't. I believe the alps_tldb7 driver is made mainly by i2c
snooping, and it uses almost only documented register.
Is the sp887x driver made with some actual documentation?
Is the sp887x code supposed to be able to drive a sp8870?
At the beginning this was the intention, but nobody had the time to find
out what exactly needs to get done to get both chips working with the
same driver - that's pretty hard without docs...