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[linux-dvb] Re: linuxtv-dvb-apps per-adapter channel.conf

Johannes Stezenbach wrote:
Guido Draheim wrote:

reading channels from file '/home/guidod/.szap/1/channels.conf'


+		if (1)	snprintf(confname, len, "%s/.czap/%i/%s",
+				 homedir, adapter, CHANNEL_FILE);

What's with that if (1)?

just a habit to keep the execution to right aligned with the executions
of the following real if()s - the compiler should not issue any real
code for that anyway. If it's confusing it can be left out of course ;-)

-- guido                        
GCS/E/S/P C++/++++$ ULHS L++w- N++@ s+:a d(+-) r+@>+++ y++ 5++X- (geekcode)

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