Karsten Kreyenburg wrote:
If you are interested in a short example stream, I can send a
link to you
where you can download it. I'm using dvbstream v0.6 and replex v0.1.1.
Yes, I would be interested in se eing that.
I'm currently uploading the four streams. As soon as the upload has
finished, I'll send the links to you and Nico. If anyone would like to have
the links, too, please send a short note to me.
I've only downloaded one of your examples so far - the "TS" file
produced by dvbstream and this plays flawlessly in mplayer. So the
problem is with the other applications involved.But there is one strange thing in the PS output of dvbstream. On one channel
("RTL World" in Hannover, with four stations on it), the Ts2Ps conversion
shows a small strange behaviour. The Video PID in the PS is not 224 as you
would expect. It is 228, so I have to inform replex about that:
dvbstream -n 1800 -ps -f 498000 -o 353 354 > dvbstream.psraw
replex -k -v 228 -a 192 -i PS -t MPEG2 -o dvbstreamre.mpg dvbstream.psraw
Bugs in ts2ps don't surprise me. I consider the ts2ps functionality
(which was stolen a long time ago from the dvb-mpegtools programs) in
dvbstream deprecated. Now that mplayer supports TS files (thanks Nico),
I don't need it.