On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 sandrofag@tiscali.it wrote:
I have bought a DVB-s of Technotrend USB, and have tried to install linuxtv.org
driver, but it does not work, dmesg give me:
ttusb_init_controller: unknown STC version V 2.2, please report!
No signal is found them from scan app.
do firmware is changed?
Cool, AFAIK that version comes from the hardware, not from the firmware.
Also, an unknown version does not stop the progress of the driver
initialisation, so if it doesn't work (and you have the right frontend
modules loaded, etc.) then there could be some other hardware changes that
the version number implies.
As far I heard this box has a Alps BSBE1 tuner can based on the stv0299.
Stefan Grothehans started working on some patches and if I remember
correctly he got the box working for all channels transmitted on the
horizontal polarized plane.