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[linux-dvb] Re: About the new TechnoTrend premium C1100-OC / HauppaugeNexus CA

Does anybody know what would be the best features of this card compared to
Technotrend Premium 2.1 card? (I mean can these newer chips included provide
faster channel locking for example)

I own TT 2.1-C Premium and it has problems to lock channels which
are using low sending frequence. (162000) For these channels the locking may
take minutes (or fail totally) when other channels with higcher frequences like 426000 locks just in a couple of seconds.

Unfortunately there are quite many channels using this 162000 frequency... (national ones which does not send


Robert Schlabbach wrote:

TechnoTrend has developed what appears to be the successor of the
Fujitsu/Siemens DVB-Cable card (or at least it is very similar in its
logical structure), and it is being marketed by Hauppauge as the "Nexus

A picture and a PDF from TechnoTrend can be found here:

The Hauppauge version includes the analog TV option.

Christoph P owns such a card and was able to identify the
following components:

1. The tuner tin box is not yet identified, unfortunately. There are no
visible markings on it.

2. There's a TDA9819 PAL/DVB IF amplifier, just like there was on the
Fujitsu/Siemens card. This chip is controlled by 2-3 pins to switch between
analog and digital reception. On the Fujitsu/Siemens card, this was done
through "TEST" output pins of the VES1820. It is not known how it is done
on this new board.

3. The DVB-C demodulator is an STV0297D from ST Microelectronics (on the
Fujitsu/Siemens board, there was a Philips/VLSI VES1820 ). Is there any
frontend driver for this chip yet?

4. The analog video decoder is a Philips SAA7114H.

5. The analog audio decoder is a Micronas MSP3415G.

6. This is a "premium" card, so there's a DSP AV7111GFN MPEG-2 set-top box
decoder on it.

7. The PCI bridge chip is the Philips SAA7146A, of course.

For the digital side, I suppose only a driver for the tuner and the
STV0297D is needed (or if there's already a driver for the STV0297D, it'd
only need to be adjusted to the new card).

I can't say much about the analog side, does anyone know if v4l supports
the SAA7114H and the MSP3415G yet? Since those two chips are the successors
to the chips on the Fujitsu/Siemens DVB-Cable (which had the SAA7113H and
the MSP3400C), chances of them being supported aren't that bad, or are

Robert Schlabbach
Berlin, Germany

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