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[mpeg2] Re: kfir latency revisited

>>>>> On Thu, 8 Aug 2002 14:01:51 +0200, Bram Stolk <> said:

    Bram> Hello, I am trying to determine the latency of the BMK kfir
    Bram> card.  Rob Morris mentioned previously on this list, that the
    Bram> latency is at least as long as the time between two I frames.

    Bram> With GOPChop, I see that by default, the card generates GOPs of
    Bram> 15 frames, like this:


    Bram> So I expect a 15 frame delay.

    Bram> However, experiments suggest a shorter delay.

I hope that the P are derived from I and previous P frames so that in this
case the theoretical delay should be down to 3.

Of course, what is the real workflow in the card?...
    Ronan KERYELL              |\/
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