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[mpeg2] Re: One line disturbance in picture

Bram Stolk wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Aug 2002 18:35:16 +0200
> Klaus Schmidinger <> wrote:
> >
> > If anybody has an idea what else I could test or change to get this thing
> > to work, I'd appreciate that very much.
> Try a different motherboard, no other PCI cards, with a VGA card
> only.

Unfortunately with the only two other PCs I have here loading kfir.o
leads to a total system lockup :-(

So I tried my VDR machine with no other PCI cards (except the
network adapter, since I don't have a monitor where my VDR machine is
located) and USB disabled in the BIOS. However, nothing changed...

I can hardly believe that the problem is anywhere in the PCI or USB
domain, since one faulty video scan line can only be produced _on_ the
MPEG encoder card, _before_ the actual MPEG encoding - otherwise it
would have to result in the well known artefacts. Am I right with
that assumption?

Now since I have two MPEG encoder cards here, and it's exactly the
same with both of them, the only remaining thing they have in common
is the driver and the microcode.

I'm getting pretty desperate here, so I'm beginning to poke around in the
driver code to see if there's anything that would somehow appear odd.
One thing I came across is

        if (!kfir->DVB_MODE) {
                switch (kfir->Params.StreamType) {
                case VT_KFIR_VIDEO_ES:
                case VT_KFIR_PROGRAM:
                case VT_KFIR_TRANSPORT:
                case VT_KFIR_SYSTEM:

        if (kfir->DVB_MODE == 1) {
                switch (kfir->Params.StreamType) {
                case VT_KFIR_VIDEO_ES:
                case VT_KFIR_PROGRAM:
                case VT_KFIR_TRANSPORT:
                case VT_KFIR_SYSTEM:

Does anybody know what kfir->DVB_MODE means? Apparently there are six
different versions of microcode, but without knowing what the difference
is I don't dare to try setting kfir->DVB_MODE to 1 (it is 0 by default
and there's no place in the driver code where it would be set to a different
value). Since the "black line problem" occurs in both PS and TS mode, I guess
there's no difference in that area between 'vtv' and 'vtv2'.

Any additional thoughts would, as always, be greatly appreciated.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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