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[mpeg2] Re: Transport Stream for the kfir1 driver

Deepak S Kotian wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using the Kfir1 driver for the LINUX.
> We have observed, when we are using
> Transport stream on the Kfir1 side and we
> try our decoder, it takes more time
> to decode, resulting in some delay.
> The program stream seems to be OK.
> We have tired other encoder boards for
> Transport stream, it seemed OK.
> Any idea/suggestion on how one
> play with the Tranport Stream generated
>  from Kfir1 board using the Kfir1 driver.
> Please let me know

I'm also using the Kfir driver to read a Transport Stream from the
MPEG2 encoder board, but I'm having the problem that only the very first
recording is ok, every subsequent stream is broken. Only after reloading
the driver does it work again for _one_ recording.

I've reported this here on the list a while ago, but haven't found
a solution yet :-(


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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