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[vdr] Re: Illegal Filenames on FAT

Thorsten Heck wrote:
> Hi!
> A small feature request: If FAT-support is compiled in, vdr should catch all
> filenames that are illegal on FAT, for example names containing an "?".
> If you try to record to a file with an illegal name, vdr just stops the
> recording after getting an "Error: Invalid argument" from the makedir-request.
> I hope this is not too hard to implement.
> Thorsten

You can change that in recording.c:

tCharExchange CharExchange[] = {
  { '~',  '/'    },
  { ' ',  '_'    },
  { '\'', '\x01' },
  { '/',  '\x02' },
#ifdef VFAT
  { ':',  '\x03' },
  { 0, 0 }

Insert for instance

 { '?',  '\x04' },

between the VFAT 'ifdef'.
Let me know if this works (I don't do VFAT ;-).
If there are any other characters that are not allowed on VFAT,
please let me know.

I hope one day we will be able to completely get rid of this Windoze sh**...


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
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