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[vdr] Re: A/V not in sync/Deleting (was: Re: Video Disk Recorder version 0.95
Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> Schmidinger) 16.09.01 17:50
> Once upon a time Klaus Schmidinger shaped the electrons to say...
> >The new version 0.95 of the Video Disk Recorder project
> >is now available at
> >
> >NOTE: VDR now requires that you use a DVB driver version dated
> >2001-09-14 or higher.
> Still/more problems with A/V sync.
> additional the sound is very broken (dropouts) now.
> Audio is sometimes -hearable- played too fast
> (the sound is faster, not the tune higher: samples are dropped)
> Music is played faster with a lot of "drop outs" and "tweets".
> (Ok, i mentioned that feature "fast forward with audio"
> some weeks ago, but meant it a little bit other ;-))
> Too there seems frames to be dropped.
> Is that only caused by the "low disk space"?
> (The record is bad from the beginning
> 8:06 msi vdr[451]: low disk space (0 MB, limit is 512 MB)
> was the last entry of the previous record.
> )
That may be. Actually deleteting files takes some time...
> After mark recordings for "delete" when are they
> actually deleted? (Where is that info stored?)
The files are actually deleted if there is no recording or replay
running, and the user has been inactive for more than a minute.
Klaus Schmidinger Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH Fax: +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2 Email:
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