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[vdr] Re: AW: Re: Channelslist

Am 05.10.2001 23:42:00, schrieb (Rainer Zocholl):

>Ok, that would explain why they are not documented ;-)
They ARE on the lyngsat-pages. The A/VPIDs are listed to the right of the field with the 

>>As an example, DVB2000 (d-box firmware) determines them at
>>run-time, so there is no need to configure them.
>Hm, how do i tell that VDR/program a timer?

You only really NEED the program-number-field.

>>I believe it would be nice if VDR did the same.
>>That would save us the unneccessary hazzle of finding and
>>configuring these somewhat redundant numbers all the time.
>Ok, i did not know that is so easy to determine those PIDs.

Well... I think it may slow down channel-switching a bit if a channel is switched to for the 
first time. I'm also quite sure that commercial receivers store the pids in their channel-lists 
when they do a channel-scan.
It would of course be nice if VDR could at least automatically update the pids while EIT-
scanning or after tuning. And it would be even better if the user could choose the 'base' 
for the update (say.. I have selected an VPID and see a picture, but get the wrong sound 
and no EPG...-> find the matching APID and SID. The 'normal' case of course would be 
to have a program SID and need to find the correct VPID and APIDs).
Well... and in VDR 2.x I hope we will have full NVOD/Linkage-support.. but this has quite 
some time :-)

Greetings,   Marcus

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