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[vdr] Re: Timeshifting, remote vdr and co.

> - one global server sharing common video files AND shared timer.conf and
> channels.conf files

> - each card number will be unique to the whole network to identify which
> card can record which channel (as VDR is working on one system today).

> - any dvbbox on the network would be able to schedule/register timers or
> view any file (including currently recording ones, it will be
> timeshifting)

> Do you think VDR could be easily patched (or completed) to have these
> new features ?

If someone do this - this would be a great thing !
But - i donīt think Klaus will do this because he donīt need such a feature - sometimes - in the future - if he have nothing to do... - perhaps he will install such a feature.
I have some discussion with him about this problem...

> - blocking on VDR on the living room dvbbox so it will only display
> recordings, submit new timers but won't try to do any recordings
This would be a great feature - perhaps you donīt have to patch the VDR directly - perhaps itīs possible only to communicate over the SVPRD Interface.
I have thought about a small Programm wich is started by CRON and wich readīs the TIMERS from each VDR and put them to the "SERVER-VDR via SVDRP.

I have also thought about to "mark" timers wich should be transfered - like a special Priority ID - or Klaus can implement a marker called "switch" in each timer for "allow-Transfer"

> - how well will VDR allow to replay currently recording files across
> network (timeshifting).
Thatīs no Problem - here i have a "SERVER" with 2 DVB-CARDīs - they only record - and the other 2 VDRīs can reply it - works very well..

> For sure, they will be some new code to handle locking on shared files
> (channels, timers).
The only problem i see is the Index position - so VDR have to creat a Position-File for each Client...

> Anybody interested ?
Sure - contact me by E-Mail if you have further Ideas...

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