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[vdr] Re: NVRAM WakeUp

Johannes Feigl wrote:

>>AFAIK, theres no way to do that.
>>on an AT Mainboard it is _not_ possible.
>yes, but i donot mean at-boards ...
>mfg Johannes
Based on your hint I tried the real time clock functionality in kernel 
(see linux/Documentation/rtc.txt ). The test programs run very fine, but 
it had no effect on the real time clock alarm settings. In more detail: 
the alarm clock work if I set my computer to suspend mode. There is no 
effect, if I power off my machine. But I thought that would be possible 
with the small nvram utility.

So my question is can I enhance the rtc functionality to alter the 
values in bios or do I really have to spent hours changing the bios 
settings and investigating this terrible bios hexdump? Any hints on that?

Gruß Arno

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