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[vdr] Re: Back annotating/renumbering timers.conf?, Steffen)  31.10.01 11:17

Once upon a time Koch, Steffen shaped the electrons to say...

>normally there are only some (max 5) new channels. In this case a cat
>the old and the new channels.conf to a "big" one. 
>then restart vdr 
>and sort the channels by hand. 

Yes, but i have to remember "by hand" what channel 12 or 23 
or 85 was, and manually(!) find the new position.
Of cause this works, but
I think that for such a stupid job a computer was made for, not men :-)

Sometimes the channel names are changed too and
requires that all users have the same numbering, what of
cause not true.

So i would 

- write out a "detailed" timers.conf expanding 
  the Channel number to the old channel.conf entry.

- Merge ("sort -m" or so) the new and old channels files, 
   using the old channels.conf as "master",
   remove duplicates, 
   try to fix/merge non-duplicates into one line
   (that might (sometimes/very seldom) require user intervention),
   So that the new data (that may be not always entire new channels, 
   see Teletext-IDs or just error fixes) is placed in the 
   "well known" positions (as far as possible).
   Entire new Channels can be placed using i a good position
   So so the channel numbering is kept AFAP.

- Replace the detailed timer entries with the new
  channel nummer. (Often it'll be the same number, but not a must).

The first and the last point can be replaced by manual
action, because there will not be many changes to do.

>so timers are aligned automatically...

If i compare the 0.94(6?) channel.conf and the new 0.96
then there are not only more, they are too totally "reordered".
And if i compare it with "my" channels.conf both do not fit.

Imagine one can edit the channel.conf fast, free and easy 
with vi, turning "upside down" if he likes to do and does not have 
to fear that his timers will record the wrong channels.

As sorting/merging "key" "frequency" and 
"Video-PID" would be sufficient, or?

On the other hand:
I don't know how fast a rework of channels.conf-structure 
will come(is something in progress?)
(For example to be prepared for polar mounts/motor dishes, 
selectively receiving on dedicated cards,
special DiSec codings,
channel specific volume settings and etc.)

>> Normally I hesitate to update my channelss.conf as long as
>> i don't have  a  "atat" "automagigcally timer alinement tool" :-)
>> Usage exapmple:
>> atat timers.conf channels.conf
>> results:
>> a back annotated/renumbered

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