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[vdr] Re: Tagging recordings (was: Re: Re: Suggestion/Question

> It would be a nice feature anyway, if it would be possible
> to tag/mark a recording _while_ recording.
> Sometimes it happens that i can watch TV "live" :-)
> Sometimes (not only me) would like to mark a position,

Maybe that can be done via special "bookmarks" instead of cut-in/out-marks, 
but be stored in the marks.vdr file (or resume.vdr file), then pressing the 
button "8" in replay zap's to the next bookmark...but what key to use to 
generate bookmarks?

> where something very interessting is shown, an address or URL for example.
> (Someone asked for an easy way to make a "one-botton-jpg")
> Maybe this could be a taken into account if the above is implemented?

With kvdr you have the one-button jpg long available :-)
But it would be easy (if there is a spare button on RC) to implemente the 
same into vdr directly...

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