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[vdr] Re: AC3-playback didn't work
On Sun, Dec 16, Jens Dorstewitz wrote:
> When I start to play a recorded movie or a DVD then the
> I only see a black background on the TV and nothing is
> played. But I can stop the play and vdr switches back to
> the current channel (with sound). But the vdr is dead.
> It doesn't recognize any command from the remote control.
> Has anyone an idea what I made wrong?
what does the logfile say ?
Please try -a "cat >/tmp/ac3file" and see if this file gets bigger.
If yes, you can try to play this file with ac3dec -[P|C] (for me the
option -P works fine).
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Dieter Bloms (
SuSE Linux Solutions AG, Tel: +49-911-74053653
Deutschherrnstr. 15-19, Fax: +49-911-74053674
90429 Nuernberg, Email:
Germany WWW:
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