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[vdr] Re: DVD patch: NTSC and PAL60

Some time ago, I tried to play ripped NTCS-(S)VCDs with VDR.
It worked fine, but your TV must be able to display NTSC and should be 
be abled to recognize the signal type "on the fly" (or you have to 
switch it manually every time you watch NTSC-stuff).


Andreas Schultz wrote:

> Hi Lauri,
> Lauri Pesonen wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> related to the DVD patch for VDR:
>> I think I read a posting on the list about a new release of the DVD 
>> patch and someone commented that the patch could only replay PAL-DVDs 
>> (I couldn't find the article with the sites search function)
>> I also read through the DVB API document a while back, and today I 
>> connected the two and remembered that the API doc mentioned an enum 
>> called videoSystem_t, which defined the output format for the video 
>> device.
>> I searched the list archive and found an article about VDR0.84 where
>> someone was wondering whether the DVD support for vdr0.84 could be set up
>> to provide output as PAL60 rather than NTSC. Ralph Metzler answered that
>> it was not possible since "it" (the card, the driver, ...?) had no PAL60
>> mode.
>> Have things changed between July and December? Is there now a PAL60 mode?
>> I bought my DVD player in the spring of 1999 and bought all of my discs
>> from tha states in the beginning since they where so much cheaper and the
>> extras were better. Because of that I have some 30 R1 discs. I'd be happy
>> to sell my DVD player once I get my DVB card and if VDR/the DVB card is
>> able to provide the same image quality. But R1 disc support is a must
>> since otherwise I can't watch half of my films :(
> The DVB card still doesn't and probably never will support PAL60. 
> However, it does play NTSC just fine. RC1 DVD should be playable, as 
> long as your DVD drive reads them. I have no clue wether the current 
> code will correctly configure the card for NTSC or not. I have only RC2 
> PAL DVD to play with.
> Andreas
>> Thanks for all your help. I'm really excited about VDR and I'm really 
>> eager to get my DVB card so I can start setting things up.
>> BR, Lauri

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