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[vdr] Re: ARM crashed while cutting, VDR watchdog timer failed.
- To: Carsten Koch <>
- Subject: [vdr] Re: ARM crashed while cutting, VDR watchdog timer failed.
- From: Uwe Freese <>
- Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 22:41:50 +0100 (MET)
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
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On Sun, 30 Dec 2001, Carsten Koch wrote:
> I did a simple vdr cutting: setting two marks and starting
> the cutting process. Then I wanted to see how far the new
> recording was, so I brought up the recordings menu, selected
> the %name entry and pressed OK twice.
> The picture on my screen disappeared, but vdr's watchdog
> timer did not catch the error.
I had ARM crashes, too, after updating my system to Suse-Kernel 2.4.9,
driver 2001-11-17 and VDR 0.98 some weeks ago.
It seems to happen when first vdr runs for several hours without problems,
recording something, and then I start to play back several recordings,
move around, turn the OSD on and off.
Then, I saw a distorted picture, many blocks blinking, moving forward and
backwards seemed to work some more seconds with other pictures blinking.
After that, I lost control over vdr (no reaction on my IR) and I had to
restart my box. In the log, I saw an "ARM crash".
I don't know what's the reason for the ARM crash, I think, it's not only
happening when cutting, but also when I switch into many recordings and
move around in a short time.
What driver and vdr version do you use?
I don't have much time these days, but I'll test some other driver
versions the next weekend.
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