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[vdr] Re: why doesnt vdr name an instant recording with the information from the epg data?


> You are right. You do not need VPS to implement showview. But
> a clean implementation of Showview is using the VPS (if available) and
> start the recording if Showview and VPS data are identical.

Hmm, showview is just used for an easy/short ;) presentation of timers ...
this has nothing to do with vps ...

>  For "our vdr" I think it is easy to decode the showview data and create a
> timer entry from it. The channel is a number from 1..128(?) in 4 tables
> which should map to the right channel in the channels.conf (the coding is
> the same as wirh VPS). And the start and stop times are easy to decode.
> (unnoted the legal issue)

I've never seen an ("illegal") description of the showview-alg., but I'll
have a look
at the link posted on this list

> The advantage is - you do not need to search "scroll" to your channel.
>  Entering 12356
> is much easier as programming a timer:
>  scroll to the right channel
>  jump to starttime, insert startime 1215
>  jump to endtime, insert endtime 1315

I don't know which one is easier, but where to get from the
In program-magazines there are only the main-german-ftas listed?
But if this is enough for you and hou have a working algo for this, this is
not a big deal
to implement ... you just need some extra funct. for the

bye, reiner

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