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[vdr] Re: Power board Fiala) 03.01.02 12:17
Once upon a time Guido Fiala shaped the electrons to say...
>> Yes.
>> And remember:
>> An accu is *not* required!
>Only if i can route the +5V permanent to the V24.
>(i measured and there is no permanent power)
+5V is on the game port and always(?) on the USBs
+5Vub is on the Keyboard, sometimes.
There are adapthers.
>> On the PC there must be a software that is capable to
>> send the current time and the next event to the wakeup mimik.
>> But that software is required at all.
>Exactly, i wonder if one needs a RTC chip (and a PIC) to do so or if
>one can go without - or is there some PIC with integrated RTC (not
>just timer).
No, you just need a low power uC and a timer.
the "RTC" is only software.
Use a 32kHz Xtal...
>> Maybe a USB-compatible uC should be used so an
>> update would be easier (V.24 will die, someday)
>USB has no Ring-Line i guess. Does your system allow wake on USB?
>There are at least some who wake on mouse or keystroke - but on
>USB-mouse/keyboard as well?
Why not?
>> To make the programming easier, the interface ("Hardware" API)
>> should have "peek" and "poke". So the entire uC can be programmed
>> without using/knowing uC-assember if one likes to do.
>For the PIC exists a very simple programmer for the serial port, a
>clever schematic and program could make it work by plug'n'play ...
That's good.
>And all that, because some Bios do some mysterious things with the
>internal RTC,
It is all documented in APM/APCI specs...
APCI should have an API...
The extra box must contain the IR-Receiver so
the box can be turned on by a specific IR-Command!
That's a feature no board has to day.
One may "simulate" it by an "Standby-Powersaver". But
those devices react on every RC signal.
- IR receiver at least to selective power on, best to deliver LIRC signals.
- Timer to wake up
- Extention for external ring
- Power fail detection (*good* reset mimic! TI7555(?) or so!
Don't try to save money there!)
- no external power supply (Could bei taken from USB even in V.24)
>i guess however, one will never find all the necessary
>features for the optimal mainboard combined.
Of cause, but no one would buy it because it's to expensive.
Rainer---<=====> Vertraulich
<=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------
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