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[vdr] Re: file-size and ac3
Johannes Schoeller wrote:
> hi list!
> has anyone else encountered any problems while recording broadcasts
> with dolby digital sound?
> according to several sources it.s a good idea to reload drivers (and
> vdr of course) before starting an ac3 recording. this of course is
> no guarantee for a perfect recording, nor is it very practible to
> get up at 3:00am to restart the drivers. ;)
> also i have a "max recordings size (or similar)" of 2000. is this to
> high?
This value should be perfectly ok.
> sometime vdr produces one-file recordings of 3-4gig.
That's very strange, because once the file exceeds MaxVideoFileSize [in GB]
VDR closes that file and opens a new one. So I can't imagine how it would
produce a 3-4GB file.
> that is very strange. when i afterwards edit the file the resulting
> file-sizes are correct.
> i use vdr-099pre1 with lcd and mp3 patch an kernel 2.4.9 on rh6.2
> servus hannes!
> Johannes Schoeller
> <>
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