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[vdr] Re: mesg() function?
// Shows and informational message
// Shows an error message (different colors than in an info msg)
// Asks for confirmation: shows the message and waits <time> seconds. If
// the thirs argument is true, the user accepts the confirmation by
// waiting for the message to timeout. Otherwise he has to press Ok.
Interface->Confirm("foobar", time, wait_for_timeout);
Look into interface.c and interface.h
BR, Lauri
On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 11:47:06AM +0100, Dirk Wiebel wrote:
> Hello list,
> is there any function available that displays a small message via OSD
> (comparable to the "video cutting started" message)? I searched the
> sources, but as I don't understand c++ and its file arrangements I gave
> up after 2 hours... Could anyone give me a hint if there is something
> like an info() function, please?
> The main purpose is to display some selected error/info messages via
> OSD, like "cutting thread ended", "buffer over 80%", or "mind the Euro
> prices" when someone switches to home order tv... ;-)
> Regards,
> Dirk
Mr. Lauri Pesonen, Senior R&D Engineer <>
First Hop Ltd, Tekniikantie 12, FIN-02150 Espoo, Finland
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