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[vdr] Re: VDR, RAMDISK & NFS
I can remember that i once also had this problem, the reason was a
"stale nfs file handle", my NFS server was (abnormally) rebooted ...
Perhaps check the log of your nfs.
Are you able to write something to your video dir as the vdr user??
Johannes Feigl wrote:
>I've a problem with my VDR
>I use a MSI-6215 NetPC, and I use a ramdisk and NFS for the /video
>But sometimes I have the problem that my VDR won't record.
>I can programm the timer like normal, I can see that it starts to record
>(when VDR loses the video-signal for about 1 sec).
>It makes a new directory, but no subdirtory like that (view from server)
>drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 35 Jan 14 20:20 @MTV_Central_Europe
>total 0
>I cannot believe the problem are the access - rights, because they are
>everywhere 777.
>Has anybody a idea ?
>mfg Johannes
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