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[vdr] Re: Bug in EIT parser.. this is the fix!!
Am Dienstag, 29. Januar 2002 19:51 schrieben Sie:
> Hi Folks,
> the problem why vdr crashed was caused due to a bad variable definition
> in
> libdtv/libsi/si_parser.c:
> struct LIST *siParseEIT (u_char *Buffer)
> {
> ...
> u_int SectionLength, LoopLength;
> ...
> while (SectionLength > 0)
> {
> ..
> }
> The condition can never be false, because the variable is defined as
> unsigned integer.
> Please replace the definition line by
> int SectionLength, LoopLength;
> and vdr should work.
what about *siParsePAT and *siParseSDT
there is the same constellation of "u_int" and "while (SectionLength > 0)"
could this make the same problem?
Andreas Gebel Tel: +49 345 6782511
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