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[vdr] Re: cDvbApi Open

Andreas Roedl wrote:
> Hello!
> Last night I wrote a little script which sends a SVDRP-MESG when an ISDN call
> comes in ( -d liquid "MESG Incoming call from $2 to $3") but I'm
> a bit unhappy with the OSD message display. When I watch a movie my 16:9 TV
> set switches the aspect and I can't see the message anymore. So I tried to
> patch the Open() call in "cInterface::Info" but here's the problem: I don't
> understand what the second argument of "cDvbApi::Open" means.
> Klaus, could you explain how I can set the message to the middle of the
> screen? I tried values between 1 and 60 but no luck! The hight argument in
> "cDvbApi::Open" is a bit difficult to understand - at least for my little
> brain. :-)

Why don't you just reduce the Setup parameter "OSDheight"?
This would also make the OSD menus fully visible on a 16:9 screen.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
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