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[vdr] Re: RFC: DVD playback wrote:
> Andreas Schultz wrote:
>> wrote:
>>>>currently i use the following keys:
>>>>key    |  function
>>>> 2     |  up
>>>> 8     |  down
>>>> 4     |  left
>>>> 6     |  right
>>>> 5     |  ok
>>>> 1     |  root menu
>>>> 3     |  titel menu
>>>> 7     |  subtitle menu
>>>> 9     |  language selection menu
>>>>RIGHT  |  fast forward
>>>>LEFT   |  fast rewind
>>>>YELLOW |  next chapter
>>>>GREEN  |  prev. chapter
>>>>DOWN   |  stop
>>btw, DOWN is pause like in normal vdr playback and not stop
>>>>what i would like to know now is, wether people can live with that or if
>>>>somebody has a better idea.
>>>In navigation mode (menus etc.) I would recommend using the right,left,up,
>>>down and ok-button, since I really have problems when navigating via the
>>>number-buttons. As the fast forward/rewind buttons don't really make sense
>>>in a menu, this wouldn't break the "standard"-vdr-interface.
>>The functionality mapped onto OK, RIGHT, LEFT and DOWN does work in
>>menues and makes kinda sense, IMHO. So those keyes are allready gone.
>>I would realy prefer to use those keys and have fast forward/rewind and
>>stop on proper keys that are labeled that way, BUT the "default" vdr
>>remote control has no such keys.
> Well, on the RC I use (vivanco UR8) those keys *are* labeled as one would expect.
> The "Up" key is labeled with an "Up" arrow *and" the "Play" symbol, the "Right"
> key has a right arrow and the "Fast Forward" symbol and so on.
> On my RC I use only very few keys (as can be seen in VDR), so I can control
> the whole shebang with only my thumb moving (as long as I don't need the number
> keys, which happens only very rarely). If you use separate keys for menu control
> (up/down/left/right) and replay control (play/ffwd/frew/pause) you'll only
> have longer ways to go with your fingers. Not that I'm too lazy to move even a finger,
> but I believe that a RC with as few keys as possible is what VDR should have.
> Besides, I can't see the need for having menu control *and* replay control keys
> available at the *same* time. The more keys you require, the fewer choices you
> have when selecting a remote control.

I don't have the DVD spec, but every DVD player i have seen has 
play/ffwd/frew/pause keys and a seperate set of menue control 
(up/down/left/right/ok) keys. I belive it is not possible to combine 
those to two keysets onto one common set. For excample, there are not 
enough information to decide wether the LEFT-key means a menue function 
or a fast rewind.
There are indicators that can be used to decide wether we are in a menue 
or not, but i don't belive that they are universal enough. Take the 
white rabit in 'The Matrix' as an example, that is a button function 
within a normal film sequence. The DVD OK button activates it, while the 
normal OK key activates the progess bar. If there where a second button 
present, up/down would also be needed, causing a conflict with the stop key.

> That's why I am very reluctant when it comes to defining new key assignments.

I do understand that, but i believe that the ffwd, frew, play, pause and 
progessbar keys needs to be seperated from left, right, up, down and ok.

> I do have plans (as mentioned in an other message in this thread) to implement
> the possibility that one can define separate keys for all these functions, but

Would you mind, if i build such a configuration facility?

> this has very low priority - and by default VDR will always have to work with
> a remote control that has only the smallest set of keys.

For recording only, i totaly agree. But as i said, full DVD capabilities 
need a bit more.

> Just a few thoughts...
> BTW: did I miss the announcement of the -nav8 DVD patch?

Apparently, did you get the copy i forwarded to you?

> Klaus



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