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[vdr] Command wich transfer the Marked Filename for VDR ?

Hi all 

First - i惴  not a Programmer so forgive me if it愀 wrong what i write:

I惴 buring DVD-R with MY vdr with some script愀 only by pressing some 
Buttons on the Remote-Controll - that愀 ok 

But i miss something:

It would be great it i could define a external Command-Line Programm 
wich i can start out of the Recordings-Menu and to wich VDR transfer the actual
marked Recording/Directory-Name as command-Line-option.

I think this would be a very usefull thing fo all who transcode, encode, Burn,
save,.... ther Recordings.

Perhaps such a function is allready available and i don愒 know it ? - 
Please Mail what you think about it ?


Axel Gruber

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