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[vdr] Re: multi-audio recording (VDR Bug ?)

> Hello Start-Games,
> Sunday, March 10, 2002, 10:58:24 PM, you wrote:
> SGD> lo all thanks a lot for workingso hard on this great project.
> SGD> A few month ago i tested VDR with my CI Cams (Aston and 
> Viaccess Red 478) to record channels with two audio pids like 
> Canal+ France and CanalJimmy (i have a subscription to this 
> private chan).
> SGD> At that time it did not work with my Aston (Seca) but it 
> worked suprisingly with the viaccess cam (most of canalsat 
> chans are crypted both in seca and viaccess).
> SGD> I've tried the latest VDR & Driver (latest CVS) a few 
> days ago to check if the CAM support was any better than 
> before and i've noticed that I can't record multiple audio 
> anymore (with via or
> SGD> seca).
> SGD> So I was wondering if the multiple audio recording has 
> been disabled in VDR or if it's still a CAM problem...
> SGD> I have also noticed a strange VDR behaviour when 
> starting a recording :
> SGD> let's say you set two audio pids on your chan : 84 first 
> and 85 second
> SGD> if you tune to this chan and then change to the second 
> audio pid (85) and start a recording; VDR will switch back to 
> the first audio pid (84) and record it. In this case as you 
> can't record
> SGD> multiple audio because of the cam problem then you can't 
> record a program with the second audio pid...
> This is normal behaviour...vdr chooses the first audio-pid to record.
> Thats why i edited my channels.conf to have a channel with multiple
> audio 1 time with first audio-pid and 2nd time with second audio-pid.
> so i can choose which audio to record...

This has been said already:
VDR does record both apid (if set in channels.conf) and you can switch the
languages during replay via menu-green.

BUT (and there's is always a but) there are stations that use the secondary
apid only from time to time (like e.g. PREMIERE SPORT). My personal inquiry
resultetd in the following behavior:
If the 2nd apid is not used at the point the recording starts VDR records
the 1st apid only !
I tried to work around that problem by exchanging the two apids in the
channels.conf but unfortunately vdr/the driver does not sync reliably when
the 1st apid is not in use.

Just my two cents,

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